Oil Painter & 2D Animator

Jonny Lawrence

After graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Animation in 2010, Jonny embarked on a journey of artistic discovery, immersing himself in the worlds of animation and filmmaking in Barcelona. It was here that he established his professional working life, immersing himself in the city’s vibrant art scene and drawing inspiration from its rich cultural heritage. 

His animations quickly gained traction, garnering millions of views and reaching audiences across the globe. Jonny’s work has been aired on television in 7 countries from USA (Nickelodeon’s ‘React to That’ TV Show) to Japan (Nippon Television Network / NTV – Sekai Banzuke). Additionally, 3 of his works were aired on Channel 4 (UK). He has also had his stop motion work ‘Maker vs. Marker’ shared by YouTube on their official Facebook page and was featured on YouTube’s front page.

In 2019, Jonny’s work took on a new dimension as he began to explore the potential of cryptocurrency, using animated GIFs to educate people on Twitter about the intricacies of these emerging technologies.

Born with a passion for storytelling and artistic expression, Jonny has established himself as a multifaceted artist whose work blends traditional oil painting with animation. Inspired by a range of artistic movements, from cubism and futurism to abstract art, symbolism, and ancient art such as Egyptian hieroglyphs and cave paintings, Jonny’s paintings aim to portray human imperfections and the paradoxes of modern civilisation.

Despite the technological advancements and progress of human civilisation, Jonny’s work showcases how many of our natural behaviour remains unchanged through time. His paintings juxtapose simplified colours and styles that represent our collective artistic origins against the complexities of contemporary life. Drawing on his extensive experience creating animations for clients such as The UN, Disney, and Oxford University, Jonny has honed his storytelling skills and incorporated them into his paintings, which strive to convey narratives that resonate with viewers.

Throughout his career, Jonny has remained committed to pushing the boundaries of artistic expression and exploring new avenues for storytelling. His latest venture merges traditional oil painting and animation. As he continues to evolve as an artist, Jonny’s work promises to captivate and inspire viewers, taking them on a journey of artistic discovery and self-reflection.