The Ranks on art prints & certificates represent their scarcity and listing price.

The Ranks within the XRPC Collection in the form of Redeemable NFTs represent the quality of the reward in exchange.


In our prints, we employ a grading system to signify both the size and quality of the print type. For instance, a Grade A might involve the use of premium papers, advanced printing techniques, and a larger size. On the other hand, a Grade C might be smaller, utilising more basic printing styles but at a more economical cost.

Since lower-ranked phygitals have a larger print supply, there is greater room for variation in sizes and techniques. Conversely, a rarer phygital like the Ultra Rare, with a limited supply of 25, may exclusively come in Grade A, employing the finest printing methods.

JL Meta Ticket Rank

Meta Ticket

The Meta Ticket is used for NFTs that have a different use case - often as tickets, which can be used in multiple ways depending on the NFT. In general, the supply is much higher than any other rank and much cheaper.

        • NFT Meta Ticket Edition
        • Supply 1000+
        • Different use cases depending on the NFT- eg. raffles or voting.
        • Not included in phygital snapshots

Rank: Origin

  • NFT Origin Edition
  • For Prints = Supply 200/200 (supply may vary per NFT)
  • For the Redeemable Coin NFT (in the XRPC Collection) = 1 Grade C Print

Rank: Rare

  • NFT Rare Edition
  • For Prints = Supply 100/100
  • For the Redeemable Coin NFT (in the XRPC Collection) = 1 Grade B Print

Rank: Super Rare

  • NFT Super Rare Edition
  • For Prints = Supply 50/50
  • For the Redeemable Coin NFT (in the XRPC Collection) = 1 Grade C Print

Rank: Ultra Rare

        • NFT Ultra Rare Edition
        • For Prints = Supply 25/25
        • For the Redeemable Coin NFT (in the XRPC Collection) = 1 Original Sketch


        • NFT Relic Edition
        • For Prints = Supply 10/10
        • For the Redeemable Coin NFT (in the XRPC Collection) = 1 Medium / Small Phygital Oil Painting
JL Ghost-Relic-Rank

Ghost Relic

        • NFT Ghost Relic Edition
        • For Prints = Supply 1/1 to 3/3 depending on the pieces
        • For the Redeemable Coin NFT (in the XRPC Collection) - 1 Medium / Large Phygital Oil Painting
Master Rank


        • NFT Master Edition
        • For Paintings = Supply 1/1
        • For Fine Art Collectors