How to Shop

Understanding Direct & Secondary Sales

Claim a Print

Did you buy an NFT directly from JL on the market? That’s great!

To claim a print from a new Phygital Artwork:

  • Purchase the NFT that is part of the Phygital Collection directly from JL (not on the secondary market)
  • Fill in the form that is available on this page.

Visible Information


The latest NFTs provide new information.

You purchase the NFT that contains the size grade you wish to own. To find out the exact size of the artwork, simply scan the Product QR Code on the NFT and you will be directed to the product page with a detailed description.

Upon reaching the product page, you’ll find comprehensive details outlining the criteria for each Grade in the product details section. In essence, Grade A represents the most premium prints, while subsequent grades may feature smaller sizes or utilize more cost-effective printing methods. Consequently, lower grades are priced more affordably.

Check the Status

If you purchase an NFT from the secondary market (i.e., not directly from me), there’s a possibility that the associated print reserved for that NFT may have already been redeemed by the seller. To ensure your NFT still qualifies for print redemption, simply check the edition number on the product page and review its status in the ‘Redemption Status’ of each product page. After an individual claims their print by completing a form and getting shipped, I manually update the status of that specific NFT edition number on the product page. The status will update to ‘REDEEMED’ status.

Still want the physical artwork even though it's been claimed?

  1. If all prints of an artwork are claimed in the ‘Redemption Status’ section of each product page, you can still own it if the seller has both the physical print and the digital version (NFT) with the same edition number.
  2. To get a physical print, you need to negotiate through our Discord server. Trades happen only when the seller has both the physical print and the matching NFT.
  3. The seller who sold their NFT can’t trade their physical print later unless they buy back the same edition number they sold originally.

TLDR: To sell a physical asset after it’s been redeemed, the seller must have both the printed version and the matching digital version (NFT) with the same edition number.

Disclaimer: When you scan the QR Code on our latest NFTs, it takes you to a page where you can check the Redemption Status before buying. We want potential buyers to be well-informed.

JL doesn’t control secondary markets so we’re not responsible for any sales that happen there. For more info, check our terms and conditions page.

Terms and Conditions