The Component Collection

A collaboration between JL and FC (Flare Community), these ongoing NFTs aim to show both the Songbird and Flare Network’s function. The design style is clean and isometric with inspiration from cubism.

Purchase on BestFTSO

Snapshot Date

09.01.2022 (21:00 UTC)

Claim Period

10.01.2022 – 30.01.2022

Collect more to qualify for a larger sized print that has a smaller circulating supply.

  • Collect all 5 components to be eligible for an A1 hand-signed print.
  • Collect 4 components for an A2 hand-signed sized print.
  • Collect 3 components for an A3 hand-signed sized print.

Below is the total that will ever exist for these prints. Some people may also choose to not claim their prints which could make them more scarce than the NFTs. Each one will be traditionally hand-signed by JL. To qualify for a print you must own 3 or more unique component NFTs.

A1 Print

Max Print Supply: 16

Own all 5 unique components

A2 Print

Max Print Supply: 16

Own 4 unique components

A3 Print

Max Print Supply: 32

Own 3 unique components

These are collectable NFTs that represent different components of the Songbird and Flare Network. The original artwork was an animation made with Flare Community to teach people what the Songbird Network is and how it operates.