Own the 1 of 1 Original Painting

This phygital painting is now available to trade or redeem. The highest holder of Clara NFTs after a year of holding, gained ownership as a reward.

  • NFT Max Supply: 1
  • NFT dimension: 1122 x 1600 px
  • NFT size: 24.4 MB
  • Oil Painting Dimensions: 92cm x 73cm
  • With Frame: 85cm x 104cm
  • Painted in Barcelona, Spain
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Own one of the Original Clara NFTs

In order to receive the physical as well as the NFT you'll need to ask an owner on our Discord to trade it. Remember that JL will only facilitate the physical trade if the NFT is traded with it.

  • Release Date: 28th October ’22
  • Original Sale Price: €346 (20,000 SGB)
  • NFT Max Supply: 50
  • NFT dimension: 1600 x 2444 px
  • NFT Size: 9.4 MB
  • Print Supply: 50
  • Multi-chain (XRP & SGB Network)
  • Platform: FLRdrops
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The Palette

The carefully curated oil paint colour palette, consisting of cobalt blue, Sevres blue, cadmium yellows, and deep hues, eloquently captures the essence of two spirits. The interplay between the cool blues and vibrant yellows creates a visual dialogue, representing the ethereal nature of the spirits and their impact on my personal human experience.

The Strokes

The dark blue tones are rendered with thick impasto strokes using a palette knife, creating a tactile and tangible presence that symbolises their entrapment in the physical realm. In contrast, the yellow colours are depicted with looser and more expressive strokes, imbuing them with a sense of freedom and fluidity. This deliberate variation in technique serves to emphasise the idea that the blues are bound to the material world while the yellows exude a certain ethereal quality.

The Style

The piano keys seem to float gracefully in a dreamy way, stirring emotions of losing a part of oneself when a loved one passes. Using cubism, two different portraits blend, encouraging viewers to delve into the interconnectedness and varied perspectives.

The Concept

As time passes, the painting portrays fragments and fractures that represent the fading of memories and the challenge of forming a clear image of the person. It serves as a poignant reminder of how human connections are fleeting and the profound impact felt when a loved one transitions into the spiritual realm, while another remains in the physical.


Check the availability of edition and grade and blockchain that you want. To Redeem:

  1. Complete the Redemption Form
  2. After sending, to verify ownership, JL will request by email or Discord for you to send a micro transaction using the same account that holds your NFT.
  3. Once correctly received, JL will send a confirmation email or private message (if on Discord).
  4. The Edition will be updated here to ‘Redeemed’ status.

Tip: Check your spam folder as emails sometimes fall there. For this reason, Discord can be a more effective method for faster communication.

If you ‘escrowed’ a Clara print with JL and didn’t redeem the physical print but still hold the same NFT, you have the option to have your NFT burned and minted on the XRPL or FLR network as a unique NFT. You can then have it listed here with either a redeemed or redeemable status depending on if you wish to have the print or not.

‘Clara’ Donation

Dedicated to my friend Clara who left this plane of existence. (28.10.2021)

Doing this artwork, for me, it’s like gaining something new – bringing her back in a way, as all I have now is mostly a memory. She was inspirational with her positive outlook on life – even up until the end.

I’ve composed both visual and audio design to represent how a feeling remains, but the memories begin to blur and fragment.

20% of the profits made from initial sales have officially been donated to the Asociación Contra el Cáncer!

This amounted to a total of €3300.

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  • 800 XRP |  €286 | A1 Print | 17.01.2023 | Private Buyer

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