Traded Physical Prints

To date, JL Trading Service‘s physical and phygital print sellers have achieved sales with a cumulative value exceeding $6000. This was possible due to JL connecting the buyer and seller, which is typically not an option for other artists’ prints.

As a result, JL has made his physical artworks liquid.

This does not take into account any sales they may have made through the secondary market for just their NFTs, meaning they made a profit while enjoying real physical artwork on their wall.

The JL Trade Service


Utilising the JL Trade Service grants you access to a convenient platform for acquiring and selling prints that could be much more difficult to manage had you purchased a print from any other artist – unless, of course, it is a Banksy! JL’s Trade Service facilitates the exchange of physical assets, allowing you to purchase a JL NFT and gain a real asset in the form of Art that has proven worth.

With Discord, JL bridges the gap between buyers and sellers of art prints, facilitating trade and enabling buyers and sellers to find each other in one centralised hub.

The challenge of connecting buyers and sellers of prints, especially for pieces that have already been sold out, is something that JL has solved with his service.

Trading with Privacy

Jonny has been a part of the crypto space since 2017, and understands the importance of preserving the anonymity of digital assets. As such, claiming prints is an optional step, and individuals may choose to skip this if they prefer not to share their shipping address.

Those wishing to trade or claim prints can do so with their privacy in mind, as they can negotiate anonymously on Discord and submit the necessary information via the Trade page. Once completed, they can contact JL to confirm the transaction.

The shipping information is never shared with the other party.



After this JL handles the exchange for a service fee based on the price bracket. The higher the trade, the lower the percentage fee (starting at 10%) with a minimum trade price of €200. More details are available on the trading pages.

The seller is required to cut the print in half and their chip. It is then nulled from the supply and a new print is created for the buyer which has the same print number as the sellers one.

This does four things:

  • Ensures that the number of physical prints in circulation is at a fixed number.
  • JL can make sure that the buyer receives a print in the correct condition.
  • Removes the risk of getting a print lost or stolen in transit.
  • Preserves anonymity between the buyer and seller.

View Price History

Once the transaction is finished, the history of the exchange can be found on the relevant product page. For example, a physical trade transaction involving ‘The Dawn Chorus’ print in A1 size can be accessed in the trades section at the bottom of the product page under the ‘physical’ tab.

This information can be useful to interested buyers and sellers, allowing them to view the sales history and use it to inform their pricing and negotiations. For owners of the print, this price history can be accessed easily through their Certificate of Authenticity.